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Planet TV Studios Airing “New Frontiers” Episode on NeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc. – Saturday, March 15, 2025 on Bloomberg. The content in the episode is a Planet TV Studios Original & it is brought to you by & sponsored by Planet TV Studios

NeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc.

NeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc.

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New Frontiers

NeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc.

NeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc.

Planet TV Studios proudly serves as the exclusive sponsor of the New Frontiers series. NeOnc Technologies Holdings in New Frontiers Episode March 15th on Bloomberg Television.

WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA, UNITED STATES, March 12, 2025 / -- Planet TV Studios is set to air an engaging episode of its flagship series, New Frontiers. This installment zeroes in on NeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc.—a company that is rethinking the fight against brain cancer through innovative intranasal therapies. The re-airing on Bloomberg Television, scheduled for Saturday, March 15, 2025, from 5:00 to 5:30 PM ET, promises a deep dive into cutting-edge neurosurgical research and emerging treatment modalities.

A Deep Dive into NeOnc’s Bold Approach

NeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc., established by esteemed neurosurgeon Dr. Thomas Chen, is tackling one of medicine’s most intractable challenges: the effective treatment of brain cancer in the face of the notorious blood-brain barrier. Traditional therapies have long been stymied by this physiological blockade, yet NeOnc is charting a course that bypasses these limitations. At the heart of its research lie two experimental treatments—NEO100 and NEO212.

NEO100 is a purified form of perillyl alcohol.

NEO212 is an innovative compound combining temozolomide (TMZ) with perillyl alcohol.
Early clinical trials hint at a potential paradigm shift in managing glioblastoma multiforme and metastatic brain tumors, suggesting that these therapies might offer enhanced efficacy with a more favorable side-effect profile. “Brain cancer patients have long faced limited options, and our goal is to provide a meaningful alternative,” Dr. Chen asserts, emphasizing the promise of an intranasal delivery system designed to circumvent the blood-brain barrier.

In addition to its clinical pursuits, NeOnc is strategically positioning itself for growth through a planned direct listing on Nasdaq in the first quarter of 2025—a move expected to bolster its research and broaden the scope of its treatment pipeline.

Returning Expertise: Host Gina Grad

The episode is anchored by returning host Gina Grad, whose journalistic acumen and narrative finesse have earned her acclaim in previous broadcasts and through her contributions on The Adam Carolla Show and in her children's book about blended families, My Extra Mom. Grad’s incisive questioning and ability to distill complex scientific developments for a broad audience provide the critical context necessary to appreciate NeOnc’s ambitious endeavors. “I’m thrilled to be part of another season of New Frontiers,” she remarks, underscoring that the series is as much about the human stories of resilience and innovation as it is about scientific breakthroughs.

How to Watch

For those eager to explore the frontier of neurosurgical innovation, this re-run of New Frontiers will be broadcast nationally on Bloomberg Television on Saturday, March 15, 2025, from 5:00 to 5:30 PM ET. Post-broadcast, the episode will be accessible for on-demand streaming via platforms such as Amazon, Vimeo, YouTube, Roku, Tumblr, X, Brighteon, Facebook, Rumble, Dailymotion,, Newsbreak, and more., ensuring that interested viewers can revisit the discussion at their convenience.

For further details on NeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc., please visit or reach out via email at Additional information about New Frontiers and other offerings from Planet TV Studios is available at or by contacting Christian Alain at 888-210-4292 x100 or

This re-airing is not merely a repeat—it is a renewed invitation to scrutinize the evolving landscape of medical innovation with the rigor and insight that has become synonymous with New Frontiers.

Christian Kelch
Planet TV Studios
+1 888-210-4292 ext. 100
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